Lisbeth Gruwez dances Bob Dylan

Lisbeth Gruwez / Voetvolk

  • Contemporary dance
  • Spanish premiere
  • Country: Belgium
  • Year of production: 2015
  • Approximate duration: 40 minutes (no intermission)
Concept and performance: Lisbeth Gruwez and Maarten Van Cauwenberghe
Choreography: Lisbeth Gruwez/td>
Music: Bob Dylan
Lighting design: Harry Cole and Caroline Mathieu
Lighting technician: Thomas Glorieux
Production manager: Liesbeth Stas
Thanks to: Bart Meuleman, Café Costume and Marie Szersnovic
Production: Voetvolk vzw
Coproduction: KVS, Rencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis, Ballet du Nord, Théâtre d'Arras / Tandem Arras-Douai, Les Brigittines & Theater Im Pumpenhaus
With the support of: NONA & Vlaamse Gemeenschap & Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie
Promotion: Key Performance
Lisbeth Gruwez dances Bob Dylan is a pearl. So pure, spontaneous and generous. On repeat”.
Charlotte De Somviele, De Standaard ****

Musician and composer Maarten Van Cauwenberghe plays Bob Dylan songs; dancer and choreographer Lisbeth Gruwez dances. Both maintain a wordless conversation on stage. Two people connected by hit songs from the sixties and seventies. Lisbeth Gruwez dances Bob Dylan is pure, minimalistic and takes the spectator to that place where the evening fades into night, where the party ends and guests go home, where one individual is left on the dancefloor, undisturbed, lost in a magic dialogue with music.

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