
Rafael Spregelburd / Zypce

  • Sprechoper (Spoken Opera)
  • Spanish premiere
  • Country: Argentina
  • Language: Spanish (no subtitles)
  • Approximate duration: 2 hours and 10 minutes (no intermission)
  • Premiere: 2013
Coproduced by: Spregelburd/Zypce, CETC (Teatro Colón Experimental Centre) and FIBA 2013 (Buenos Aires International Festival), with the support of: INT and Teatro El Extranjero
Original idea, text and general director: Rafael Spregelburd
Ideas, original music and music director: Zypce
Cast: Rafael Spregelburd (Monti) and Zypce (musician)
SPAM is an ambitious, pretentious and complex work, and that is precisely what makes it captivating and seductive. It invites the audience to think, to construct a story with the artists, to enter into delirious and fictional worlds in order to come to an abrupt end and think about their own identity”.
Tiempo Argentino

It is 2012 and time is running out for the Maya. But time does not really exist: it is merely a manifestation of hunger. A ridiculous apocalyptic fantasy with an end-of-the-party atmosphere, a spoken opera imbued with incredible musical soundscapes, peppered with badly learned pop music hits. Such is the spoken opera that Argentine artist Rafael Spregelburd will premiere in Spain in January 2017 as part of the XXXIV Festival de Otoño a Primavera. In SPAM, our thrown-away plastic swirls happily in the North Pacific on a floating island of nylon and bottles and virtual rubbish accumulates the same way in taunting, overflowing inboxes.

This is the story of a Neapolitan professor who loses his memory after a freak accident. He must reconstruct everything while battling the crude laws of chance; he must connect cause with effect. All we know is that our hero has refused to correct a student's thesis. Then, a spam e-mail (sent from an unlikely and translated Malaysia) pulls him into a formidable adventure worthy of James Bond: Google translators, pseudo-Chinese mafias on the island of Malta, dubious penis-enlarging techniques, badly understood snippets from an extinct dictionary from ancient Mesopotamia, fake under-the-sea Swiss documentaries, ghosts of Caravaggios and children and the warm air of apocalypse and ruins. Why think that a European banking crisis is the end of the known world?

SPAM first premiered on 10 October 2013 at the Teatro Colón (CETC) in Buenos Aires.


A coproduction by: Spregelburd/Zypce, CETC (Teatro Colón Experimental Centre) and FIBA 2013 (Buenos Aires International Festival), with the support of: INT and Teatro El Extranjero
Original idea, text and general director: Rafael Spregelburd
Ideas, original music and music director: Zypce
Cast: Rafael Spregelburd (Monti) and Zypce (musician)
Director assistant: Gabriel Guz
Lighting and space: Santiago Badillo
Sound assistant: Mauro Petrillo
Video system: Agustín Genoud, Paula Coton and Dina Lafont
Associate producer and agent in Spain: Carlota Guivernau
Actors on video and voices: Elisa Carricajo (Cassandra), Manolo Muoio (TV broadcaster), Patrizia Frencio (mother), Pino Frencio (father), Laura Amalfi (toy shop owner, Chinese Bond Girl, Andreína) and Ian Barnett (Sean Connery)
Videos: Alejo Varisto, Alejo Moguillansky, Alessandro Olla, Santiago Badillo and Gabriel Guz
Eblaites video animation: Elisa Marras (Multiforme)
Eblaites video illustrations: Valentina Olla
Eblaites typefaces: Eduardo del Estal

Dramaturgy assistant: Manuela Cherubini
Set design: Escudero’s

Italian translation: Manuela Cherubini
English translation: Jean Graham-Jones (for publication in Theater Magazine, USA)
French translation: Guillermo Pisani (for L’Arche Editeurs)
German translation: Klaus Laabs (for Suhrkampo Verlag)
Photography of Caravaggio painting: Nicolás Levín
Chinese models in Caravaggio: An Na (Salomé), Hsueh Elisa (maid), Hsueh Daniel (Batista, Caravaggio) and Liu Sung (Carrasco, soldier, prisoner) – Models from the TCV Productions Agency
Makeup in the Caravaggio photo: Georgina Serafini
Costume design in the Caravaggio photo: Flor Lista
Photoshop in Caravaggio: Studio Farbone
Press photomontage: Santiago Badillo
Press photos: Hernán Corera, Carlos Furman, Jorge Pogorelsky, María Villalba and Paula Peralta
Thanks to: Alessandro Olla, Lorenzo Gleijeses, Alessandro Sordi, Miguel Galperin, Omar Duca, Luz Rodríguez Carranza, Guillermo Pisani, Santiago Paciullo, Juliana Ascúa, Mónica Raiola, Mariano Sivak, Nicolás Cecinini, Mariano Stolkiner, Lucas Plazzotta, Teatro El Extranjero, Daniel Rosenfeld, Mariano Llinás, Agustín Mendilaharzu, Cecilia Arellano, Jatul and Isol
Press in 2014: Duche & Zarate (
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