Logotipo de 40º Festival de Otoño
Logo 012 de la Comunidad de Madrid Logo de la Comunidad de Madrid

Unending love, or love dies, on repeat like it's endless (2021-)

Alex Baczyński-Jenkins

Country: United Kingdom-Poland
Approx. length: 2 h (no intermission)
Year of production: 2022
Language: English

Premiere in Spain

In collaboration with the Museo Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Choreography: Alex Baczyński-Jenkins
Artistic and sound advisor mixed live by: Krzysztof Bagiński
Curating and research advisor: Andrea Rodrigo Rivero
Executive producer: Holly Shuttleworth

Previous presentations implemented in collaboration with and performed by: Arad Inbar, Agata Grabowska, Beverly "KöTA WALi" and Thomias Radin.

This year, the Reina Sofía National Museum is participating in the Festival del Otoño programming with a double entry whose general title is DUELO COLECTIVO Y DUELO PLANETARIO (COLLECTIVE MOURNING & PLANETARY MOURNING). On the one hand, it presents the film of the dance piece, MONUMENT 0.6: Heterochrony, by Eszter Salamon and, on the other, Unending love, or love dies, on repeat like it’s endless, another dance piece, a choreography by Alex Baczyński-Jenkins that delves deep into the relationships between desire, dance, fragmentation, love (understood as communality), mourning and time. Its premiere occurred recently, in September, in Antwerp.

The Polish-British artist is a co-founder of the collective Kem, based in Warsaw, a queer, antiracist feminist community (with everything that entails right now with an ultra-right government in power in Poland) who explores choreography, performance and sound as part of an ambitious social action plan. Baczyński-Jenkins’s works are an antithesis of the economy of contemporary experience, based on the fleeting and easily digestible. He composes his pieces based on miniscule, detailed, fragile, sharp and subtle gestures and movements. Through gesture, sensuality, touch and relationality, Baczyński-Jenkins’s practice unfolds the structures and politics of desire. Relationality is present in the dialogue forms with which the pieces are developed and performed, as well as in the materials and poetics invoked. This includes the study of the relationships between sensation and sociability, embodied expression and alienation, the textures of daily experience and the utopian and latent queer legacies.

Practical information
12 & 13 November – 19:00h (sa) 12:00h (su)
Free admission until venue capacity is reached. Tickets collection available at the Museum desk and website, from 10:00 am prior to the day of the event.