Logotipo de 39º Festival de Otoño
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JINETE ÚLTIMO REINO FRAG. [Horseman Last Kingdom Frag.] 2

María Salgado and Fran MM Cabeza de Vaca /

Country: Spain
Duration: 55 minutes
Year of Production 2019
Direction, creation and performance: María Salgado and Fran MM Cabeza de Vaca
Music and Texts: María Salgado and Fran MM Cabeza de Vaca
Production: Lorenzo García-Andrade
Graphics: Rubén García-Castro / ANFIVBIA
Video editor: Fiacha O´Donnell
Lighting design and technical coordination: Óscar G. Villegas
Photographer: Jorge Anguita Mirón

Produced thanks to the support of Azala Kreazio Espazioa, the 2018 Artists in Residence programme of La Casa Encendida and Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, and a grant for creation from Madrid City Council (2018).

Acknowledgements: La Mila Estudio, Bajo-K, espacio Navelart, Begoña Hernández, María Eguizabal, María Jerez, Pablo Martínez, José Pablo Polo, Lara Retuerta, Enrico D. Wey, Alberto Bernal, María Buey

About the show

Jinete Último Reino is the name of a research and a trilogy of self-contained autonomous scenes that, in turn, are Fragments of an extended future work by María Salgado and Fran MM Cabeza de Vaca to conclude this project that they began in January 2017. Between music, poetry and performance, Jinete Último Reino is a journey of sound and language that is neither linear nor narrative, on desire, about the formation of any subjectivity between desire, the norm, repression and rebellion.

Frag. 2 of Horseman Last Kingdom stages the passage from the dream to the word, the entry into order and the mark that remains. If Frag. 1 was about the acquisition of language and memory, and to a certain extent, about birth and death, and Frag. 3 looks at night as the moment of liberation and deviation, and to a certain extent, youth; Frag. 2 approaches literacy and others processes of standardization (gender, sexual identity) that the body is exposed to in childhood until the retention of its colour or difference within a fixed meaning, classified. Frag. 2 also makes a short journey backwards, to the Civil War and Fascism, and a short journey ahead, to identitarianism and the reactionary withdrawal that we currently inhabit. Frag. 2 combines stereo sound and onscreen text in exact synchrony with the live performance thanks to clappers and sound scores. It is a three-dimensional poem that makes performance, graphics and sound appear in threes and by causing a friction in the audiovision with which we read the work, unfolds a theory of language and writing.

About the Company

María Salgado (1984) and Fran MM Cabeza de Vaca (1976) have been working together in Madrid since 2012. Their common work focuses on the idea of the audiotext as a confluence between poetry, language, music, sound art and performance. Together they have created an important body of works, essentially on two research zones: Hacía un ruido (2012-2016), which explores the global cycle of political disobedience of 2011, and which took the shape of a book (Frases para un film político, 2016), a record, an instrumental piece for an ensemble, a sound installation and a stage piece that toured very different contexts such as CDN Valle Inclán, Espacio Naranjo (Madrid), 16 Beaver (New York) and LARVA (Guadalajara, México); and Jinete Último Reino (2017-...), which explores subjective disobedience, and likewise has generated an instrumental piece for an ensemble, posters (Manifesto, 2018), sheet music, a sound art piece for Radio Reina Sofía (Negro, 2016), an octaphonic installation exhibited as Tabakalera, the audiovisual Lullaby for this Little Age (Bergen Assembly, 2020) and its installation version (Politics of Life, WKV Stuttgart, 2020) and two stage pieces lasting 60 minutes, Frag. 3 and Frag. 2, launched, among other spaces, at the Mercat de les Flors, Museo Reina Sofía and MACBA.

Practical information
20 November, 19.00hrs