Logotipo de 39º Festival de Otoño
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MA BICHE ET MON LAPIN [Mi cierva y mi conejo]

Collectif AÏE AÏE AÏE

Theatre of objects
Country: France
Duration: 29 minutes
Year of Production 2012
Directors Charlotte Blin and Julien Mellano
Cast: Charlotte Blin and Julien Mellano
Technical director: Julien Mellano

In collaboration with Institut Français.

About the show

In half an hour, a lot of love stories can be told. The French company, Collectif AÏE AÏE AÏE, can do this. Charlotte Blin and Julien Mellano, the directors and actors of this performance, narrate around a table and for a familiar audience the process of love, heartbreak and reconciliation of several couples, using quotidian objects, with music and without words. These couples can be a serviette holder and a napkin, a bottle and a jar, or a buk and a rabbit, precisely those in the title of the piece presented in Festival de Otoño: Ma biche et mon lapin.

About the Company

The Collectif AÏE AÏE AÏE, which takes its name from an expression translated as “Oh no”, was founded in the French city of Rennes. The company is consisting of Julien Mellano, Charlotte Blin and Justine Curatolo, usually accompanied by other artists. They conceive the theater as a place of experimentation and creation, which characterized their fifteen shows crossed by the multiple artistic manifestations such as theater, music, visual arts or cinema, displaying with a preference of the appropriation of objects and an elegant sense of humour. Their productions include Ersatz, Gargantúa, Fulmine and Monsieur Blue.

Practical information
12 November, 19.00hrs and 20.30hrs

13 and 14 November. Saturday: 18.00hrs and 19.30hrs – Sunday: 12.00hrs and 13.00hrs