Logotipo de 39º Festival de Otoño
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Mal Pelo

Country: Spain
Duration: 90 minutes
Year of Production 2021
Director: María Muñoz and Pep Ramis
Collaborating director: Leo Castro and Federica Porello
Creation and dance: Pep Ramis, María Muñoz, Federica Porello, Leo Castro, Zoltan Vakulya, Miquel Fiol, Enric Fàbregas and Ona Fusté
Music director: Joel Bardolet and Quiteria Muñoz
String quartet:: Joel Bardolet (violin), Jaume Guri (violin), Masha Titova (viola) y Daniel Claret (cello)
Voice quartet: Quiteria Muñoz (soprano), David Sagastume (contratenor), Mario Corberán (tenor) y Giorgio Celenza (bass)
Music: Johann Sabastian Bach, Arvo Pärt, Henry Purcell, György Kurtág, Benjamin Britten and Georg Frierdich
Texts: Nick Cave, John Berger and Erri de Luca
Soundscape: Fanny Thollot
Lighting design: August Viladomat
Stage design: Kike Blanco
Costume: CarmePuigdevalliPlanteS
Technical director: Irene Ferrer
Sound technician: Andreu Bramon
Stage technician: Genís Cordomí
Video editor: Leo Castro
Photographer: Tristán Pérez-Martín

Production: Mal Pelo
Co-produced by : Mercat de les Flors; Théâtre de l’Archipel – Scène Nationale de Perpignan; Théâtre Garonne – Scène européenne de Toulouse; ICEC – Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya; Teatre Principal de Palma de Mallorca, Consell Insular; Festival de Otoño, Comunidad de Madrid,Festival Temporada Alta
Residencia de creación: Théâtre de l’Archipel – Scène Nationale de Perpignan
In collaboration with: Théâtre des Quatre Saisons de Gradignan – Scène Conventionnée; Temporada Alta – Festival Internacional d’Arts Escèniques; L’animal a l’esquena – Centre de Creació de Celrà

About the show

After more than a decade exploring the music of Johann Sebastian Bach, Mal Pelo presents Highlands, the last piece of the tetralogy inspired by the music of the German composer. Highlands is an eclosion of the work that has been gestating and maturing throughout their previous shows (Bach, On Goldberg Variations / Variations and Inventions), where they have analyzed and delved deeply into the hearing and visualizing of the structures, harmonies, voices and development of the music of J.S. Bach. A study that, over the years, has resulted in questions, curiosity and many hours of searching with regard to the dialogue between dance and the Baroque contrapuntal music. With sixteen performers on stage -eight dancers, a string quartet and four singers-, the piece merges dance, live music, word and video projections in a piece about the search for spirituality and the mundane topics, about the unanswered questions, or about the temporal paradox of the human the deep time of history.

About the Company

The contemporary dance group Mal Pelo, led by Pep Ramis and María Muñoz, is considered one of the most prestigious and with the greatest international projection in our country. Since 1989, and with more than 30 shows until now, Mal Pelo has developed its own artistic language through movement and the creation of a recognizable dramaturgy that include text, original soundtracks, live music, the construction of stage spaces, illumination and video. Throughout their career, María Muñoz and Pep Ramis have found, in the stage and in the creation of shows, the perfect place in which to experiment, pose questions, and share the topics that are of vital importance to them in their career. Shared creation is one of the distinguishing and characteristic elements of this group, as they collaborate with different artists and projects such as John Berger, Erri de Luca, Lisa Nelson, Àngels Margarit, Steve Noble, Nuria Font, Steve Paxton, Eduard Fernández, Andrés Corchero, Toni Serra, Lilo Baur, Cesc Gelabert, Faustin Linyekula, Raffaella Giordano, Baro D’Evel, Leonor Leal and Marta Izquierdo, among many others. Throughout its career, the company has received several awards including the Premi Nacional de Cultura de Catalunya, Premi Ciutat de Barcelona and the National Award for Culture.

Practical information
17 and 18 November de 2021, 20.30hrs