Logotipo de 39º Festival de Otoño
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Compañía Absoluta

Country: Argentina
Duration: 55 minutes
Year of Production 2018

Premiere in Europe
Director: Lucía Maciel and Paula Grinszpan
International artistic production: Carla Juliano
Collaborating director: Federico Huffmann
Cast of actors: Manuela Martínez, Sasha Falcke, Román Martino and Mariano Saborido
Music: Román Martino
Texts: Lucía Maciel and Paula Grinszpan
Lighting design: David Seldes and Facundo David Luna
Stage design: Gabriella Gerdelics and Camila Pérez
Costume: Gabriella Gerdelics and Camila Pérez

About the show

Songs and humor are fundamental in a piece with a dramatic background like Paraguay. This background is that of immigration, reflected through the journey that two Paraguayan housewives undertake to the promised land that they believe is the United States. Attended by a bureaucrat, in charge of receiving immigrants, the fantasy of the "American dream" reveals a deception, of which the civil servant is also part, and they experience a reality marked by sexism, depersonalization and exploitation. Lucía Maciel and Paula Grinszpan direct this touching and hilarious show, developed in a collective way in Buenos Aires and released in 2019.

About the Company

Lucía Maciel and Paula Grinszpan studied at the Nora Lía Moseinco theater school in Argentina, where they later taught. Based on their teaching method, in 2018 they decided to convene a group of actors, trained on their same technique, to explore a theatrical language of their own. The Compañía Absoluta investigates to create theatricality, based on the music generated by the texts and music itself. Paraguay is their first work, premiered in the opening of the Morán Cultural Center in Buenos Aires, a landmark in the city and also a training laboratory.

Practical information
26 November, 20.00hrs

27 November, 21.00hrs

28 November,19.00hrs